Mitzi Love
Professional Massage Therapy

About Me

I'm an Air Force Brat (my dad was an officer and we were called "brats"....a military term) I absolutely love what I do!!

When I'm not in the massage room you'll find me on a trail in the woods with family and friends, on a canoe, camping (with a nice air mattress...of course), as well as jumping on my rebounder or in a yoga class.

I love laughing, community, and listening to people tell stories!

I obtained my massage therapist license in 2002 and in 2006, studied at the Academy of Lymphatic Therapy in Complete Decongestive Therapy.

Along with being a Continuing Education provider for massage therapists in Arkansas, I also teach "Lymphatic Health & YOU, Made Simple" workshops. Connect now to set up a workshop in your area to learn WHAT the lymphatic system is, WHY it's vital for your health, and HOW you can support it's flow naturally! 

Here for you,

Mitzi Love, MMT, CLT, CDT

Psalm 90:17 Let the beauty of the Lord be upon us and establish the work of our hands for us; yes establish the work of our hands.